Benefits of Salt Water for Skin Beauty

SALT is better known as a flavoring in food. However, who would have thought if the salty flavor of herbs has a number of benefits of beauty?

Yes, salt when mixed with water has good benefits for skin beauty. Consider the benefits of salt water for beauty, as reported Boldsky.

1. Serves as a toner

Salt water can function as a toner to remove excess oil on the face. Apply regularly every day as a facial treatment.

2. Eliminate Acne

The salt water is generally contained in soaps and facial cleanser for acne problems. Not only to eliminate acne, it is also useful for cleaning the pores and remove the dirt up toxins in the skin.

3. Facial steamer

Salt water helps open the pores of the skin through evaporation process. How, boiled brine, then hold your face over the steam pot of stew brine. Do it for 10 minutes, this trick is useful to minimize dirt on the face and give a fresh effect.

 4. Skin Exfoliator

A mixture of salt water and olive oil are useful to exfoliate the skin. The application can routinely make the face look radiant and wrinkle free.

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