5 Natural Ways to Prevent & Get Rid of Fleas in Human Hair

Head lice are parasitic organisms that live on the human head by sucking blood. When newly hatched, egg-shaped sesame seeds with a very small size attached to the hair shaft.

Lice eggs will hatch in eight to nine days. Ticks have a life span of hatching to death for 40 days. If there are lice in the hair, people will feel the itch as well as itching caused by dandruff.

Itching that of the head is not the result of a tick bite of hair but allergic skin reactions against parasites that live on the skin. But if the skin is not allergic to the hair lice itch will not be felt.

Sharing combs is a common cause of parasitic infections much like sharing a hat, as one user can leave a comb with eggs or live parasites, facilitating the transmission of lice, fleas, mites, fungi, and other undesirables. Siblings are also more likely to pass on nits to each other if they share a comb, so it is advisable to buy each child their own comb. Here we'll share how to remove head lice and prevent it.

1. Almond

Almond is a natural substance that can eliminate lice with potent. You do this by soaking 10 almonds overnight. The next day, peel almonds from the husk and mash until smooth. Add lemon juice, then apply such as using hair mask.

2. Alcohol

Isopropyl compound very effective at removing hair lice. Pour the alcohol content of 70% in a basin taste. After that, apply it on the scalp alcohol evenly. Let stand until 30 minutes ago. After the hair using a "Nit comb" then rinse hair with cold water to remove the alcohol.

3. Lemon Juice

High acid content in lemons have benefits to eradicate lice naturally. The way is easy, just squeeze one lemon, then apply on the scalp with a light massage up to 10 minutes. After that, allow up to 1 hour, and rinse the hair with warm water mixed with vinegar. Guaranteed after this manner lice would not be comfortable for long hair and their eggs will die.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil can not only beautify the hair but can also repel lice on the scalp. Clean your hair first with a wash. After that, apply olive oil before going to bed. Massage, massage the scalp to the content contained in olive oil can be absorbed well. Let stand until the next day. In the morning you can wash as usual and fleas could not be found in the head.

5. Onions

The sulfur content that exist on the red onion is useful to eliminate stubborn infestation. How to use it is very easy, try to blend 4 to 5 red onions, then squeeze the water and grab the red onion results. Apply water from the juice on the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After that use Nit comb and lice will carry over.

That is the way that can be done to banish lice in the hair. The existence of lice on the scalp is disturbing and can lower self-esteem.


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